Gathering Sheep, November 2015
What do you see,
when I hold my hand to you,
through your world wary, slip-shot eyes?
Is it my demeanour,
or the smell of my mortality
that makes you shy away?
Nothing sits right,
my mind tortured
by its fractured wrongness.
Yet in your simplicity
I seem, perhaps, whole!
Sharing spaciousness
you follow,
I follow,
we follow.
Our mutual path
binds us.
Penned in
your trust swells me –
Your stillness offers out
that I am part of that ‘Same’, as you.
by everglades
Written following weekly visits to Owena’s farm during autumn 2015.
To Cassie and Tallulah, February 2013
filled with freshness,
alert to your surroundings.
What is it you are saying
with your wide eyes
and ready mouth?
We have so little shared,
Yet what it is you have,
I would die for.
Your needs, instant and direct,
grounded as you are
in the very ‘Now’ of life.
Your rested mind watching
as Time rolls his trials
before you.
You are loved;
Held in the infinity
of Nature’s embrace.
Loved for the essence
that shakes from your mane,
clatters from your hooves.
Loved for your wholeness,
your strength,
your purity.
Loved for your hurry
and your pause.
Tomorrows hold no torture
to your heart,
Weakened as they are
by your wide wonder
and ready acceptance.
Hope, turns her head
towards you,
and smiles.
We have so little shared
Yet what it is you have,
I would die for!
by everglades
Written during a long stay in Langley Green hospital, following leaving home. She says, "Weekly visits to Owena’s farm were a lifeline".