Calling all photographers!

LOAP We've got what we think might make an interesting project for someone interested in photography, who could commit to doing something over a period of time.

Flourish has a large and very fine community allotment at a beautiful spot, high on up on the Downs by the Nevill estate in Lewes. People with mental health issues and learning disabilities go up there weekly for regular horticultural therapy sessions over the year. They grow vegetables, flowers, fruit, nuts. There are a couple of ponds and raised beds.

We want someone to take a photo from exactly the same spot once a week from 1 March to 1 Nov to see how the plot grows and flourishes! It wouldn't matter when the photo was taken, but ideally a similar day and time each week. It could make a great project for a photography student or someone interested in plants and wildlife.

We could pay expenses, and we'd hope to make a lovely montage at the end of it to share with everyone we work with.

If you might be interested, please contact Emma

Many thanks!